26 Haziran 2010 Cumartesi


Benzetim yazı dizisine kaldığımız yerden devam edelim.

Web Kaynakları 

İngilizce Kaynaklar

Modelling and Simulation 
Statistics and Probability for Simulation,Topics in Descriptive Simulation Modeling,Techniques for Sensitivity Estimation,Simulation-based Optimization Techniques,Metamodeling and the Goal seeking Problems,"What-if" Analysis Techniques

Simulation Forum
Simulation analysis,manufacturing simulation,automaotive simulation,non-manufacturing simulation

Modelling and Simulation Resources
You should see this website.Many resources available...


Makalede başlıklar halinde simülasyon ve iş süreci değişimi,simülasyon model türleri,simülasyon ve optimizasyon,simülasyon teknolojileri,sistem analizleri,kesikli olay simülasyonu incelenmiş.

Dynamic simulation and supply chain management
Giriş kısmında dinamik simülasyon ve tedarik zinciri yönetimi hakkında kısa bir brifing verdikten sonra makalade goldsim yazılım firmasının tedarik zinciri yönetimi simülasyon yazılımı anlatılmış.

The History of simulation in İndustrial Engineering

As the economic, social, and environmental problems confronting all
mankind become increasingly critical and interrelated, industrial engineers
have an extraordinary opportunity to take the lead in synthesizing
effective solutions that draw on all areas of specialized technical
knowledge—and the sheer complexity of these problems dictates that
system simulation will be an essential tool for crafting good solutions.

a tutorial on simulation optimization

Sezgisel metotlar,kompleks arama,simülasyonlu tavlama metodu gibi yüksek seviyede konular makalede kısaca anlatılmış.

simulation of manufacturing systems

This paper discusses how simulation is used to design new manufacturing systems and to improve the performance of existing ones...

The Authors describe the application of simulation analysis to a
complex operational problem involving scheduling,
sequencing, and material-handling decisions...

Development İnteractive simulation
The authors had developed an interactive simulation program  to be used in industrial engineering education,based on an earlier simulation study of a steel cord manufacturing plant.

Akademik Dergiler

Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory

Paper submission is solicited on:

˙ theoretical aspects of modelling and simulation including formal modelling, model-checking, random number generators, sensitivity analysis, variance reduction techniques, experimental design, meta-modelling, methods and algorithms for validation and verification, selection and comparison procedures etc.;

˙ methodology and application of modelling and simulation in any area, including computer systems, networks, real-time and embedded systems, mobile and intelligent agents, manufacturing and transportation systems, management, engineering, biomedical engineering, economics, ecology and environment, education, transaction handling, etc.;

˙ simulation languages and environments including those, specific to distributed computing, grid computing, high performance computers or computer networks, etc.;

˙ distributed and real-time simulation, simulation interoperability;

˙ tools for high performance computing simulation, including dedicated architectures and parallel computing.

Mathematics and Computers in Simulation

•The foundations of systems modelling

•Numerical analysis and the development of algorithms for simulation

Simulation Modelling Examples
There are many videos about simulation course you should see...

1 yorum:

  1. CodeArt Yazılım, İngiliz Lanner Witness Simülasyon yaılımının Türkiye temsilcisidir. http://www.codeart.com.tr Lanner Witness Simülasyon Yazılımı, istatistik ile yazılımın gücünü birleştirerek kullanıcılara karmaşık sistemler üzerinde öngörüde bulunabilme, süreç değişikliklerinde olası sonuçları değerlendirebilme, darboğazları tespit edebilme ve farklı kriterler doğrultusunda optimum yararın sağlanabileceği modeller geliştirme olanağı sunmaktadır.
